M1 Communication - Use the writing process to compose texts (AD4-M1: 12153)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M1 Communication - Use the writing process to compose texts (AD4-M1: 12153)
On completion of this section you will be able to use textual features and conventions specific to business texts for effective writing.
M2: Communication - Apply comprehension skills to engage written texts (AD4-M2:12154)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M2: Communication - Apply comprehension skills to engage written texts (AD4-M2:12154)
On completion of this section you will be able to recall ideas and information that are explicitly stated in an oral text.
M3: Communication - Apply comprehension skills to engage written texts (AD4-M3:12155)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M3: Communication - Apply comprehension skills to engage written texts (AD4-M3:12155)
On completion of this section you will be able to identify and respond to textual features specific to written texts in a business environment.
M4: Communication - Interpret and use information from texts (AD4-M4:119457)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M4: Communication - Interpret and use information from texts (AD4-M4:119457)
On completion of this section you will be able to use a range of reading and/or viewing strategies to understand the literal meaning of specific texts.
M5: Communication - Write texts for a range of communicative contexts (AD4-M5:119465)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M5: Communication - Write texts for a range of communicative contexts (AD4-M5:119465)
On completion of this section you will be able to write for a specific audience and purpose.
M6: Communication - Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes (AD4-M6:119467)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M6: Communication - Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes (AD4-M6:119467)
On completion of this section you will be able to access and use available learning resources.
M7: Communication - Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts (AD4-M7:119469)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M7: Communication - Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts (AD4-M7:119469)
On completion of this section you will be able to critically analyse texts produced for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts.
M8: Communication - Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication (AD4-M8:119472)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M8: Communication - Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication (AD4-M8:119472)
On completion of this section you will be able to understand how to interact with audience in oral communication.
M9: Advertising - Demonstrate an understanding of the competitive environment (AD4-M9:10020)
Further Education Training Certificate
Advertising NQF L4 - SAQA 50479
M9: Advertising - Demonstrate an understanding of the competitive environment (AD4-M9:10020)
On completion of this section you will be able to collect information on competitor's products and services.
Module 1: KM-01-KT01 - Intermediate features of Word Processing Applications (AEUC-L4:M1)
Intermediate End User Computing NQF L4
Module 1: KM-01-KT01 - Intermediate features of Word Processing Applications (AEUC-L4:M1)
On completion of this module learners should be able to: • Apply essential operating procedures and techniques to create intermediate level word processing documents that meet the integrated standards in terms of purpose, structure, and...

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